商品编码 55133910.00  
商品名称 与棉混纺色织的聚酯短纤三或四线斜纹布
商品描述 与棉混纺色织的聚酯短纤三或四线斜纹布含聚酯短纤85%以下,每平米重≤170克,包括双面斜纹机织物
英文名称 Twill weave cloth of polyester staple fibres, mixed with cotton, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, of yarns of different colours, containing less than 85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres, of a weight not exceeding 170g/㎡
HS编码 55133910.00 申报实例信息,收录数 36 条
HS编码 商品名称 商品规格
55133910.00 T/C色织布,机织,斜纹,无牌 65%涤纶35%棉,57/58",110G/M2
55133910.00 涤棉弹力色织布,梭织,色织,斜纹 76%涤纶22%棉2%氨纶,55/56",78G/M2。
55133910.00 T/C布44"/棉85%短纤15% 棉与短纤混纺布
55133910.00 色织布 FABRIC
55133910.00 T/C法兰绒 POLYESTER65%COTTON35% 21X21/64X54 59/60"
55133910.00 聚酯短纤棉亚麻混纺色织斜纹布 11300 W148CM P55C37L8
55133910.00 涤棉色织布 Y/D FABRIC
55133910.00 TC染色布60".85%聚酯15%棉 0.11KG/米
55133910.00 色织烂花布,梭织,斜纹 55%涤纶45%棉,125cm,96克/平方米
55133910.00 65涤短纤35棉色织机织斜纹兜布 <170G 110CM