商品编码 48025600.90  
商品名称 40<每平米重≤150g未涂布纸,成张
商品描述 40<每平米重≤150g未涂布纸,成张书写印刷,长≤435mm,宽≤297mm含机械或半化学浆≤10%
英文名称 Uncoated paper, weighing 40g/㎡ or more but not more than 150g/㎡, used for writing and printing(in sheets with one side not exceeding 435mm and the other side not exceeding 297mm, containing not more than 10% of fibres, obtained by mechanical or chemi-mech
HS编码 48025600.90 申报实例信息,收录数 93 条
HS编码 商品名称 商品规格
48025600.90 40<每平米重≤150g未涂布纸,成张 书写印刷,长≤435mm,宽≤297mm含机械或半化学浆≤10%
48025600.90 白纸(包装) 包装用白纸|白纸|未涂布|140*200MM|小于15
48025600.90 白纸 包装|白纸|未涂布未染面|成张,15*15CM|木浆|