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365外贸网 发布于:2019年04月17日
附件: 海关总署采信狂犬病抗体检测结果实验室名单(2019年4月10日更新).docx
序号 | 国家 | 实验室名称 | 地址 |
1 | 阿拉伯联合酋长国 | Central Veterinary Research Laboratory | PO Box 597Dubai United Arab Emirates |
2 | 奥地利 | AGES Institut für veterinärmedizinische Untersuchungen Mödling | A-2340 Mödling, Robert Koch Gasse 17 Austria |
3 | 澳大利亚 | Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) | Portarlington Road, 5 - East Geelong Victoria,3219 (Postal address - PMB 24, Geelong 3220) Australia |
4 | 巴西 | TECSA LABORATÓRIOS LTDA | Avenida do Contorno, 6226° Funcionários - CEP: 30110-042 Belo Horizonte/MG Brazil |
5 | 巴西 | Laboratório de Zoonoses e Doenças Transmitidas por Vetores | Rua Santa Eulalia, 86 Santana, São Paulo - SP Sao Paulo SP Brazil |
6 | 巴西 | Instituto Pasteur | Avenida Paulista393 Cerqueira César São Paulo Brazil |
7 | 比利时 | Sciensano * Wetenschappelijke directie Infectieziekten Mens – Dienst Virale Ziekten Nationaal referentielaboratorium voor rabiës | Sciensano 14 Rue Juliette Wytsman 1050 Bruxelles Belgium |
8 | 波兰 | National Veterinary Research Institute in Pulawy | Al. Partyzantów 57 24-100 Pulawy Poland |
9 | 丹麦 | DTU Veterinary Institute | Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Lindholm, 4771 Kalvehave Denmark |
10 | 德国 | Institute of Molecular Virology and Cell Biology, Friedrich-Loeffler Institut,Federal Research Institute for Animal Health | Südufer 10D-17493 Greifswald - Insel RiemsGermany |
11 | 德国 | Institut fürVirologie FachbereichVeterinärmedizin Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen | Schubertstraße 81 35392 Gießen Germany |
12 | 德国 | Eurovir Hygiene-Labor GmbH | Im Biotechnologiepark 9(TGZ I) 14943 Luckenwalde Germany |
13 | 德国 | Vet Med Labor GmbH | Mörikestraße 28/3 71636 Ludwigsburg Germany |
14 | 德国 | Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz Sachsen-Anhalt Fachbereich 4 Veterinärmedizin | HaferbreiterWeg132–135 39576 Stendal Germany |
15 | 德国 | Niedersäsisches Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit Lebensmittel-und Veterinärinstitut | Braunschweig/Hannover Eintrachtweg 17 30173 Hannover Germany |
16 | 俄罗斯 | Institute of Veterinary Medicine Biotechnology LLC (IBVM) | 27 Starovskogo ulitsa,Volginski urban locality,Petushinski regiono Vladimir oblast Russia |
17 | 俄罗斯 | NoviStem LLC | 2-oy Roshchinski Proyezd,Block 8, Building 5, Office 2, Moscow Russia |
18 | 俄罗斯 | The All Russian State Centre for Quality and Standardisation of Veterinary Drugs and Feed (VGNKI) | 5 Zvenigorodskoe shosse123022 Moscow Russia |
19 | 俄罗斯 | Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases (DPRI) | Gamalei str. 16 bld. 2123098 Moscow Russia |
20 | 俄罗斯 | Federal Centre for Animal Health (FGI ARRIAH) | 600901 Yur'evets, Vladimir Russia |
21 | 法国 | Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et du Travail(Anses)Laboratoire de la faune sauvage de Nancy | Domaine de Pixérécourt B.P. 9 54220 Malzéville Cedex France |
22 | 法国 | Laboratoire départemental Eau - Vétérinaire – Air | 76, chemin Boudou CS 50013 31140 LAUNAGUET France |
23 | 法国 | Inovalys Le Mans | 128 rue de Beauge 72018 Le Mans Cedex 2 France |
24 | 法国 | Laboratoire départemental d’analyses du Pas de Calais | Parc des Bonnettes 2 rue des Genevriers 62022 Arras France |
25 | 芬兰 | Finnish Food Authority | Mustialankatu 3 FI-00790 Helsinki Finland |
26 | 韩国 | Choong Ang Vaccine Laboratory | 1476-37 Yuseong-daero Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34055 Republic of Korea |
27 | 韩国 | Seoul Regional Office of Animal and Plant Quarantaine Agency (APQA) | 46, Deungchon-ro 39ga-gil,Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Korea 07670 Republic of Korea |
28 | 韩国 | KBNP, INC. | 235-9, Chusa-ro, Sinam-myeon,Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, Korea 32417 Republic of Korea |
29 | 韩国 | Komipharm International Co. Ltd | 17 Gyeongie-ro, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, 429-848, Korea, 15094 Republic of Korea |
30 | 韩国 | Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency | 177 Hyeoksin 8-ro Gimcheong-si Gyeongsangbuk-do 39660Republic of Korea |
31 | 荷兰 | Wageningen Bioveterinary Reserch | Houtribweg 39 8221 RA Lelystad Netherlands |
32 | 加拿大 | Centre of Expertise for Rabies CFIA/ACIA Ottawa Laboratory Fallowfield Animal Diseases Research Institute | 3851 Fallowfield RoadP.O. Box 11300Station HNepean, Ontario K2H 8P9Canada |
33 | 捷克 | State Veterinary Institute Prague The National Reference Laboratory for Rabies | Sídlištní 136/24, 165 03 PRAHA 6 – Lysolaje Czech Republic |
34 | 克罗地亚 | Croatian Veterinary Institute | Savska cesta 143, 10000 Zagreb Croatia |
35 | 拉脱维亚 | Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment BIOR | 3,Lejupes street, Riga, LV-1076 Latvia |
36 | 立陶宛 | National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute | J. Kairiukscio st. 10 LT-08409 Vilnius Lithuania |
37 | 罗马尼亚 | Institute for Diagnosis and Animal Health | 63 Dr. Staicovici Str., sector 5, 050557, Bucharest, Romania |
38 | 美国 | DoD Food Analysis & Diagnostic Laboratory | 2899 Schofield RoadJBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234 United States of America |
39 | 美国 | Kansas State UniversityRabies Laboratory | 2005 Research Park CircleManhattan, 66502 United States of America |
40 | 美国 | Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pathobiology Virology Laboratory | 261 Greene HallAuburn, AL 36849 United States of America |
41 | 美国 | Poxvirus and Rabies BranchDivision of High-Consequence Pathogens and Pathology National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious DiseasesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention | 1600 Clifton Road, NE,Mail Stop G33Atlanta, GA 30333 United States of America |
42 | 墨西哥 | Centro Nacional de Servicios de Diagnóstico en Salud Animal | Av. Centenario de la Educación s/n (Km 37.5 Carretera Federal México – Pachuca)55740, Tecámac de Felipe VillanuevaTecámac, Estado de MéxicoMexico |
43 | 南非 | Onderstepoort Veterinary InstituteRabies Unit | Private Bag X05Onderstepoort 0110 South Africa |
44 | 葡萄牙 | INIAV (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I.P.)- Sede | Avenida da Republica, Quinta do Marquês, Edifício principal - LNRSA 2780-157 Oeiras Portugal |
45 | 日本 | Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology | 3-7-11, Hashimotodai, Midori-ku SagamiharaKanagawa, 252-0132 Japan |
46 | 日本 | Ministry of Agriculture, forestry and fisheriesAnimal Quarantine Service | 11-1 Haramachi, Isogoku Yokohama, 235-0008Japan |
47 | 瑞典 | Statens Veterinärmedicinska Anstalt (SVA) | Viruslaboratoriet SE-751 89 Uppsala Sweden |
48 | 瑞士 | Institute of Virology and Immunology IVI Swiss Rabies Center | Laenggass-Strasse 122 PO Box CH-3001 Bern Switzerland |
49 | 塞尔维亚 | Pasteur Institute | Hajduk Veljkova 1, 21137 Novi Sad, 402007 Serbia |
50 | 斯洛伐克 | State Veterinary and Food Institute - Veterinary Institute Zvolen | Pod Dráhami 918,Zvolen Slovakia |
51 | 斯洛文尼亚 | University of Ljubljana Veterinary Faculty National Veterinary Institute | Gerbičeva 60 SI - 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia |
52 | 土耳其 | Veterinary Control Central Research Institute | Ahmet Sefik Kolayli Street N°2306620 Etlik Ankara Turkey |
53 | 乌克兰 | State Scientific and Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise | 30, Donetskaya Str.Kyiv-151, 03151 Ukraine |
54 | 西班牙 | Laboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal Santa Fe (Granada) | Camino del Jau s/n. C.P: 18320 Santa Fe (Granada) Spain |
55 | 西班牙 | Instituto Valenciano de Microbiología | Masia El Romeral-Ctra Bétara a San Antonio, Km 0,3 C.P: 46117 Bétera (Valencia) Spain |
56 | 希腊 | Athens Center of Veterinary Institutes Institute of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Department of Virology | 25 Neapoleos Str. GR-15310 AG.Paraskevi,Athens Greece |
57 | 以色列 | Kimron Veterinary Institute Veterinary Services and Animal Health | P.O. Box 12Beit Dagan 50250Israel |
58 | 英国 | APHA WeybridgeWoodham LaneAnimal and Plant Health Agency | New Haw, AddlestoneSurrey KT15 3NBWeybridgeUnited Kingdom |
59 | 英国 | Biobest Laboratories Ltd | 6 Charles Darwin House The Edinburgh Technopole Milton Bridge Nr Penicuik, EH26 0PY United Kingdom |
60 | 智利 | Instituto de Salud Publica de Chile Laboratorio Diagnostico de Rabia | Marathon 1000 NuñoaSantiago Chile |
61 | 中国 | Diagnostic Laboratory for Rabies and Wildlife Associated Zoonoses Department of VirologyChangchun Veterinary Research Institute (CVRI),Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) | 666 Liuying West Rd, Jingyue Economic Development Zone, Changchun 130122 China |
62 | 中国 | Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory of Guangzhou Customs | No. 13, Gangwan Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou 510700, China |
资讯来自: 海关总署公告