您查询的相关hs编码 15 条,您的查询关键词 电源
HS编码 | 品名 | 实例汇总 | 申报要素·退税 | 编码比对 |
85044014.00 | 功率<1千瓦直流稳压电源
(功率<1千瓦直流稳压电源稳压系数低于万分之一,品目8471所列机器用除外) [Other DC voltage-stabilized suppliers,of a power of less than 1KW and an accuracy of not better than 0.0001] |
521条 | 查看详情 | -- |
85049020.00 | 稳压电源及不间断供电电源零件
(稳压电源及不间断供电电源零件) [Parts of voltage-stabilized suppliers and uninterrupted power suppliers] |
518条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044014.00 |
85044019.90 | 其他稳压电源
(其他稳压电源) [Other kinds of regulated power supplies] |
386条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85049020.00 |
85044015.00 | 功率<10千瓦其他交流稳压电源
(功率<10千瓦其他交流稳压电源精度低于千分之一) [Other AC voltage-stabilized suppliers,of a power of less than 10KW and an accuracy of not better than 0.001] |
185条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044019.90 |
85044013.00 | 品目8471所列机器用的稳压电源
(品目8471所列机器用的稳压电源) [Voltage-stabilized suppliers, Of the machines of heading No.84.71] |
172条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044015.00 |
85044020.00 | 不间断供电电源(UPS)
(不间断供电电源(UPS)) [Uninterrupted power suppliers] |
123条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044013.00 |
84701000.00 | 电子计算器及袖珍式数据录放机器
(电子计算器及袖珍式数据录放机器不需外接电源,录放指具计算功能的数据记录,重现及显示) [Electronic calculators capable of operation without an external source of electric power and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and displaying machines with calculating functions] |
86条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044020.00 |
推荐查询: 85272100 |
(需外接电源汽车收录(放)音组合机) [Apparatus Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus not capable of operating without an external source of power, of a kind used in motor vehicles] |
74条 | 查看详情 | 对比-84701000.00 |
85271300.00 | 不需外接电源收录(放)音组合机
(不需外接电源收录(放)音组合机) [Other apparatus combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus capable of operating without an external source of power] |
32条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85272100.00 |
85271900.00 | 不需外接电源无线电收音机
(不需外接电源无线电收音机) [Other radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power] |
27条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85271300.00 |
85272900.00 | 需外接电源汽车用无线电收音机
(需外接电源汽车用无线电收音机) [Radio-broadcast receivers not capable of operating without an external source of power, of a kind used in motor vehicles] |
5条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85271900.00 |
85044019.30 | 高压直流电源
(高压直流电源能8小时连续产生20KV,1A电流,稳定度优于0.2%) [High voltage DC power supply (able to generate the 20kV, 1A electric current for 8 hours consecutively with its stability higher than 0.2%)] |
4条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85272900.00 |
85044099.50 | 电源
(电源真空或受控环境感应炉用电源,额定输出功率≥5千瓦) [Power supply (for vacuum or controlled atmosphere induction furnaces; rated power output: ≥5KW)] |
4条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044019.30 |
85271200.00 | 不需外接电源袖珍盒式磁带收放机
(不需外接电源袖珍盒式磁带收放机) [Pocket-size radio cassette-players capable of operating without an external source of power] |
3条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85044099.50 |
85044019.20 | 直流高功率电源
(直流高功率电源能8小时连续产生100V,500A电流,稳定度优于0.1%) [High power DC power supply (be able to generate the 100V, 500A electric current for 8 hours consecutively with its stability higher than 0.1%)] |
3条 | 查看详情 | 对比-85271200.00 |