您查询的相关hs编码  13 条,您的查询关键词  围巾
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码比对
61171090.00 其他纺织材料制披巾、头巾、围巾、披纱、面纱及类似品
[Knitted or crocheted shawls,scarves, mufflers,mantillas,veils,and the like , of other textile materials]
872条 查看详情 --
62143000.00 合纤制披巾、头巾及类似品
[Shawls, scarves and mufflers of synthetic fibres, including mantillas,veils and the like]
709条 查看详情 对比-61171090.00
62144000.00 人纤制披巾、头巾及类似品
[Shawls, scarves and mufflers of artificial fibres, including mantillas,veils and the like]
298条 查看详情 对比-62143000.00
62149000.10 棉制披巾、头巾及类似品
[Shawls, scarves and mufflers, of cotton, including mantillas,veils and the like]
225条 查看详情 对比-62144000.00
62141000.10 含丝70%及以上的披巾、头巾、围巾
[Shawls, scarves, mufflers of silk, containing 70% or more by weight of silk or spun silk , including mantillas,veils and the like]
215条 查看详情 对比-62149000.10
61171020.00 羊毛制披巾、头巾、围巾、披纱、面纱及类似品
[Knitted or crocheted shawls,scarves, mufflers,mantillas,veils,and the like , of wool]
159条 查看详情 对比-62141000.10
62142010.00 羊毛制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品
(羊毛制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品 包括披纱、面纱等)
[Shawls, scarves, mufflers of wool, including mantillas,veils and the like]
146条 查看详情 对比-61171020.00
62149000.90 其他材料制披巾、头巾及类似品
[Shawls, scarves and mufflers, of other textile materials, including mantillas,veils and the like]
130条 查看详情 对比-62142010.00
62142020.00 山羊绒制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品
(山羊绒制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品 包括披纱、面纱等)
[Shawls, scarves, mufflers of cashmere, including mantillas,veils and the like]
94条 查看详情 对比-62149000.90
62141000.90 含丝70%以下的披巾、头巾、围巾
[Shawls, scarves, mufflers of silk, containing less than 70% by weight of silk or spun silk , including mantillas,veils and the like]
82条 查看详情 对比-62142020.00
61171011.00 山羊绒制披巾、头巾、围巾、披纱、面纱及类似品
[Knitted or crocheted shawls,scarves, mufflers,mantillas,veils,and the like , of goats]
70条 查看详情 对比-62141000.90
61171019.00 其他动物细毛制披巾、头巾、围巾、披纱、面纱及类似品
[Knitted or crocheted shawls,scarves, mufflers,mantillas,veils,and the like , of other fine animal hair]
53条 查看详情 对比-61171011.00
62142090.00 其他动物细毛制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品
(其他动物细毛制披巾、头巾、围巾及类似品 包括披纱、面纱等)
[Shawls, scarves, mufflers of other wool or fine animal hair, including mantillas,veils and the like]
31条 查看详情 对比-61171019.00
HS编码 商品名称 商品规格
39264000.00 围巾 装饰用|亚克力|无牌|无型号
39269090.90 塑料挂勾 用来挂围巾|塑料|MAINETTI|ASB2|无其他
39269090.90 围巾 商场挂围巾用|PS聚苯乙烯|GB|无型号
43031010.90 兔毛围巾 100%兔毛|围巾|非野生
43031010.90 兔毛皮围巾 兔毛皮|围巾
43031020.90 羊毛皮围巾 100%羊毛皮|围巾|无其他
43031020.90 獭兔皮围巾 100%兔毛皮|围巾
43031020.90 貉子毛围巾 外貉子毛 内100%涤纶|围脖类|无其他
43031020.90 兔毛皮编织围巾 外:兔毛皮,里:棉网|围巾
43031020.90 兔毛编织围巾 兔毛皮|围巾|无其他
43031020.90 兔皮围巾 兔毛皮|围巾|无其他
43031020.90 兰狐毛皮围巾 外:兰狐毛皮制,非野生,里:100%涤纶|围巾
43031020.90 针织围巾加狐狸毛饰边 外:100%狐狸毛皮,非野生,里:100%腈纶针织|围
43031020.90 羊羔毛围巾 外:100%羊羔毛皮,非野生,里:100%涤纶里布|围
43031020.90 獭兔毛皮围巾 外:100%獭兔毛皮,非野生,里:100%涤纶|围巾