您查询的相关hs编码  15 条,您的查询关键词  eva
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码比对
84283990.00 其他未列名连续运货升降、输送机
[Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors not spcified or included eleswhere]
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85371090.01 电梯用控制柜及控制柜专用印刷电路板
[Control cabinet for elevators (electric cabinet) and printed circuit boards for control cabinets ((for the circuit with its voltage no more than 1000V)]
151条 查看详情 对比-84283990.00
84283300.00 其他带式连续运货升降、输送机
[Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors , belt type]
142条 查看详情 对比-85371090.01
84283910.00 其他链式连续运送货升降、输送机
[Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors , chain type]
75条 查看详情 对比-84283300.00
84283920.00 辊式连续运送货升降、输送机
[Continuous-action elevators and conveyors of roller type]
68条 查看详情 对比-84283910.00
84282000.00 气压升降机及输送机
[Pneumatic elevators and conveyors]
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84139200.00 液体提升机用零件
[Parts of liquid elevators]
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84138200.00 液体提升机
[Liquid elevators]
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84283200.00 其他斗式连续运货升降、输送机
[Other continuous-action elevators and conveyors , bucket type]
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84281010.90 其他载客电梯
[Other passenger elevators]
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22085000.00 杜松子酒
[Gin and geneva]
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84193990.10  (已作废)
推荐查询: 84193990
[Freeze-drying equipment (10kg≤24 hour ice-freezing quantity≤1000kg, and can be evaporated and sterilized)]
5条 查看详情 对比-22085000.00
84021200.90 其他蒸发量未超45吨/时水管锅炉
[Other water tube boilers with their evaporation of≤45 tons/hour]
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84021200.10 纸浆厂废料锅炉
[Waste material boilers from pulp mills (steam water tube boilers with their evaporation of ≤45 tons/hour)]
2条 查看详情 对比-84021200.90
29214600.13 左苯丙胺、美芬雷司、芬特明
[Levamfetamine(INN), mefenorex(INN)and phentermine(INN)(including their salts)]
1条 查看详情 对比-84021200.10