您查询的相关hs编码  5 条,您的查询关键词  841869
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码比对
84186990.90 其他制冷设备
[Other refrigeration equipments]
147条 查看详情 --
84186920.90 其他制冷机组
[Other refrigerating units]
78条 查看详情 对比-84186990.90
84186990.20  (已作废)
推荐查询: 84186990
[Ice makers and ice cream machines]
28条 查看详情 对比-84186920.90
84186920.10 其他压缩式制冷设备
[Other compression type refrigeration equipments(cooled to≤23K, and heat elimination>150W, with hydrogen and helium as their media)]
5条 查看详情 对比-84186990.20
84186990.10 带制冷装置的发酵罐
[Fermenters with refrigeration appliances(non-divergent aerosol, volume>20)]
2条 查看详情 对比-84186920.10