您查询的相关hs编码 3 条,您的查询关键词 73261
HS编码 | 品名 | 实例汇总 | 申报要素·退税 | 编码比对 |
73261910.00 | 工业用未列名钢铁制品
(工业用未列名钢铁制品经锻造或冲压后,未经进一步加工) [Other articles of iron or steel ,for technical use , not elsewhere specified or included ( forged or stamped ,but not further worked )] |
1037条 | 查看详情 | -- |
73261990.00 | 非工业用钢铁制品
(非工业用钢铁制品经锻造或冲压后,未经进一步加工) [Other articles of iron or steel , not for technical use ( forged or stamped ,but not further worked )] |
347条 | 查看详情 | 对比-73261910.00 |
73261100.00 | 钢铁制研磨机用研磨球及类似品
(钢铁制研磨机用研磨球及类似品经锻造或冲压后,未经进一步加工) [Grinding balls and similar articles for mills ( forged or stamped ,but not further worked )] |
19条 | 查看详情 | 对比-73261990.00 |
HS编码 | 商品名称 | 商品规格 |
82073000.90 | 车顶三排顶弓总成模具 | 73261-SU100 OP10 锻压用 钢铁制 锻模 无附件 |