您查询的相关hs编码  14 条,您的查询关键词  内裤
HS编码 品名 实例汇总 申报要素·退税 编码比对
61089100.10 棉制针织或钩编女内裤、内衣
[Knitted or crocheted women's or girls' underwear, of cotton]
513条 查看详情 --
61071200.00 化纤制针织或钩编男内裤及三角裤
[Knitted or crocheted men's or boys' underpants and briefs of man-made fibres]
407条 查看详情 对比-61089100.10
61089200.10 化纤制针织或钩编女内裤,内衣
[Knitted or crocheted women's or girls'underwear, of man-made fibres]
354条 查看详情 对比-61071200.00
61071100.00 棉制针织或钩编男内裤及三角裤
[Knitted or crocheted men's or boys' underpants and briefs of cotton]
312条 查看详情 对比-61089200.10
62071100.00 棉制男式内裤及三角裤
[Men's or boys' underpants and briefs of cotton]
88条 查看详情 对比-61071100.00
62071920.00 化纤制男式内裤及三角裤
[Men's or boys' underpants and briefs of man-made fibres]
66条 查看详情 对比-62071100.00
61071910.10 丝及绢丝制男内裤及三角裤
[Knitted or crocheted men's or boys' underpants and briefs,containing 70% or more by weight of silk or spun silk]
33条 查看详情 对比-62071920.00
61071990.90 其他纺织材料制男内裤及三角裤
[Knitted or crocheted men's or boys' underpants and briefs,of other textile fibres]
33条 查看详情 对比-61071910.10
61071990.10 羊毛或动物细毛制男内裤及三角裤
[Knitted or crocheted men's or boys' underpants and briefs, of wool or fine animal hair]
27条 查看详情 对比-61071990.90
62071990.90 其他材料制男式内裤及三角裤
[Men's or boys' underpants and briefs of other materials]
18条 查看详情 对比-61071990.10
62071910.10 含丝70%及以上男式内裤及三角裤
[Men's or boys' underpants and briefs, containing 70% or more by weight of silk]
17条 查看详情 对比-62071990.90
61071910.90 其他丝及绢丝制男内裤及三角裤
[Other knitted or crocheted men's or boys' underpants and briefs, containing less than 70% by weight of silk or spun silk]
12条 查看详情 对比-62071910.10
62071990.10 毛制男式内裤及三角裤
[Men's or boys' underpants and briefs of wool or fine animal hair]
5条 查看详情 对比-61071910.90
62071910.90 含丝70%以下男式内裤及三角裤
[Men's or boys' underpants and briefs, containing less than 70% by weight of silk]
3条 查看详情 对比-62071990.10
HS编码 商品名称 商品规格
61071100.00 男士针织内裤 针织|内裤|男士|50%棉45%莫代尔5%氨纶/95%
61071100.00 棉制男式平角内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|BONOBO|无需
61071100.00 男童内裤 针织|内裤|男童|95%棉5%氨纶|GARCIA
61071100.00 针织男童内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉 5%氨纶|next
61071100.00 男式针织印花内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|无品牌
61071100.00 棉制男士针织内裤 针织|内裤|男士|95%棉5%弹力|无品牌
61071100.00 男士全棉针织内裤 针织|内裤|男式|100%棉|无品牌|无其他
61071100.00 男式棉制针织内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|无品牌
61071100.00 棉制针织男内裤 针织,非起绒|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|FRANK
61071100.00 男式短裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|MOODS OF
61071100.00 针织男式内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|GIORGIO A
61071100.00 内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|无品牌|无其他
61071100.00 男装棉制针织内裤 针织|内裤|男装|95%棉5%氨纶|PEPE JEANS牌|S-XL码
61071100.00 男童棉制针织内裤 针织|内裤|男童|95%棉5%氨纶|PEPE JEANS牌|9/10-15/16码
61071100.00 棉制男式内裤 针织|内裤|男式|95%棉5%氨纶|PAULSMIT